It has been years since I last attempted to keep a regular blog. My previous foray into the world of digital diaries was a pathetic mix of get-to-know-you surveys, work-day anecdotes, and love-life lamentations. With this new creation, I hope to generate drivel beings other than my mother would care to read. More to the point, I will be officially launching my publishing company this spring and hope this blog can act as a connection point for new readers, future fans, and over-obsessive stalkers (as opposed to the regular kind).
The idea of blogging has always been an odd concept to me. Blogs worth reading are few and far between and usually revolve around really bad MS Paint pictures with funny captions. In the last year or so, I have started to read the occasional Writing Advice blog, though none with any regularity. I typically find stray links floating around the Twitter-sphere and bookmark the ones that really stand out. Over time, I have compiled a bountiful list of wonderful sites that I never find time to re-visit unless I am sharing a particularly interesting write-up with my wife at a later date.
So why should this blog make your bookmark list? I would guess it might have something to do with your own levels of boredom. Or perhaps you might feel a strange kinship to my faceless, digital persona. Or maybe you just like what I do and are interested in seeing a struggling writer and brand-new father try to lift a small publishing company off of the ground whilst passing along thoughts on creativity, parenting, and the occasional, poorly-drawn web comic… all saturated with ample amounts of sarcasm.
I hope you stick around, or return, or pass this link along to a friend who might care more than you do. My next post will deal with the difficulty of picking a great title for your work (hint: steal it). So, until next time…